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  • Hartley


Updated: May 5

blonde woman in a white robe lying in bed

If you have TikTok, it’s hard to miss wellness and lifestyle influencer Arielle Lorre. Blonde, glowy and usually wrapped in a bathrobe, she gives her takes on sobriety, divorce, ageism and plastic surgery…all while layering on serums that form her ✨legendary✨ skincare regime.

But I’m not here to analyze her popularity or impossibly dewy skin—as an insomniac, I’m way more interested in Arielle Lorre's evening routine.

We know there’s a link between aging and sleep.

So how does the queen of antiaging, a woman who has a hack and routine for just about everything, set herself up for an amazing day ahead? 

“Sleep is my foundation, she says in her podcast. I don’t have the tolerance to not sleep well anymore, I burned through that when I was younger…if I’m not getting good sleep, the wheels are falling off, so I need 8 hours.” 

As an insomniac, I’m fascinated by these “8 hour” people and was eager to research the evening life of this self-professed “dedicated nighttime routine girl”..

Bye bye phone By 7pm, Arielle cuts herself off from all screens and avoids the temptation to look at her phone by putting it in another room. She hops into a bubble bath, does her (nine-product) skincare routine, and brews a cup of chamomile tea.  

Journaling for zen Arielle finds peace in organization–she’s long used journaling to get ahead of overwhelm and anxiety. She reflects on her day and writes a bullet list of what needs to get done tomorrow. She says this helps “declutter” her mind and release any worries (get six anxiety-busting journal prompts here).

Stretching it out She doesn’t do night-time yoga per say, but she always has a nice big stretch before crawling into bed: “stretching helps to refocus your attention on your breath and body rather than the stressors of the day,” she says, going so far as to call it her “natural sleep remedy.”

Magnesium-OM She calls discovering magnesium supplements a “game-changer” and now religiously pops them before bed: “I felt like it was the missing puzzle piece my body needed for so long. Now, I’m more relaxed before bed, have deeper and more consistent sleep, and am waking up more refreshed.”  

Cozy in bed with a book

By 8:30, she’s in bed with all the lights off. She likes her room super cold, and her blankets heavy “like a cocoon.” She’s a bookworm so she uses an amber reading light and if she has to break her no-phone rule for any reason, she turns the brightness all the way down to not disrupt her circadian rhythm.

What’s on her bed stand? She detests being woken up by the sound of an alarm (hello cortisol spike): she swears up and down that how you start your morning sets the tone for the rest of your day. Instead, her Hatch restore machine gently wakes her with chirping birds and the glow of warm light.

And that’s it, she’s out by 9:30pm! I am SO envious of her early bedtime talent–but I think by making rest a priority in her life, and sticking rigorously to the routine, she’s got her body trained.

So tell me, what’s the one thing you have to do before bed to find your calm?

Design the evening routine of your dreams...I’ve taken inspiration from wellness girlies like Arielle and compiled 40 wind-down ideas + a free planner so you can prioritize self-care tonight. Click here.


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