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  • Hartley


Updated: May 5

Text that reads "DIY Puffy Eyes Caffeine Serum" with images of coffee beans and a glass serum roller

This blog is for all my tired ladies with dark circles and morning ‘puff’.  To calm my sleepy eyes (ie. insomnia face), I’ve turned to all kinds of caffeine serums over the years.

Much like your cup of morning coffee, caffeine actually  ‘perks up’ and brightens the eye area–thanks to its microcirculation, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

I’ve probably tried everything on the market but as I hunt for cleaner skincare, I learned I can whip up a potent little coffee serum of my own.

Now I HATED my first attempts at this. All of the advice on the internet is to use greasy oils and sticky vitamin E…no thanks.  I’m a woman on the go. I need non-greasy, fast absorbing formulas thank you.

The best part? You can probably make my version with items you already have in your pantry: it’s just oil and ground coffee–so it costs pennies to make. And I promise you it is EASY (woman on the go thing, remember?).  

Just promise me one thing: you’re going to pour it into a little roller with a stainless steel rolling ball, like this one. I want you to store this baby in the fridge –the cooling effect is the de-puff double whammy.

I love my Skinny Confidential face roller and use it religiously, but there’s something about a teeny weeny roller that contours the eye area that really lets me get ‘in there.’

I love this as part of my morning ritual: grab yourself a matcha or latte, park yourself on the couch and glide this baby on as you take a moment of calm before your day!

Puffy Eyes Caffeine Serum


✧ sweet almond oil*

✧ ground coffee (I like organic) *Other fast-absorbing oils that could be swapped: apricot kernel, marula, walnut or jojoba.


✧ Using a 1:1 ratio, put sweet almond oil and ground coffee in a small jar and let it sit in a dark cupboard for up to a week.

✧ Strain through a nut mylk bag and pour into the roller (pop in a whole coffee bean for extra infusion).

✧ To use, roll a small amount of the puffy eyes caffeine serum around the eye area.

✧ Store in the fridge for up to three months.

If you’re not the DIY type (no judgment), my favorite caffeine eye serums are Ilia Bright Start Activated Eye Cream, The Ordinary Caffeine Solution and Q+A Caffeine Eye Serum with green tea and pomegranate. 

Wanna avoid the tired puff in the first place?

THE most transformational thing I've done for my sleep is get an evening routine in place.

I've put together a free checklist of 40 relaxing evening activitites to choose from + an hourly planner to help you get better habits in place. Check it out.

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